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Sunday, August 01, 2004

Divination and Teraphim (idolatry)

In Isaiah chapter one we read about Jehovah's disgust with his people comparing them to Sodom and Gomorrah.

10 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU dictators of Sod´om. Give ear to the law of our God, YOU people of Go·mor´rah. 11 “Of what benefit to me is the multitude of YOUR sacrifices?” says Jehovah. “I have had enough of whole burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed animals; and in the blood of young bulls and male lambs and he-goats I have taken no delight. 12 When YOU people keep coming in to see my face, who is it that has required this from YOUR hand, to trample my courtyards? 13 Stop bringing in any more valueless grain offerings. Incense—it is something detestable to me. New moon and sabbath, the calling of a convention—I cannot put up with the [use of] uncanny power along with the solemn assembly. 14 YOUR new moons and YOUR festal seasons my soul has hated. To me they have become a burden; I have become tired of bearing [them]. 15 And when YOU spread out YOUR palms, I hide my eyes from YOU. Even though YOU make many prayers, I am not listening; with bloodshed YOUR very hands have become filled. 16 Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the badness of YOUR dealings from in front of my eyes; cease to do bad. 17 Learn to do good; search for justice; set right the oppressor; render judgment for the fatherless boy; plead the cause of the widow.”

This uncanny power crossreferences to 1 Samuel 15:23 which reads:

22 In turn Samuel said: “Does Jehovah have as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of Jehovah? Look! To obey is better than a sacrifice, to pay attention than the fat of rams; 23 for rebelliousness is the same as the sin of divination, and pushing ahead presumptuously the same as uncanny power and teraphim. Since you have rejected the word of Jehovah, he accordingly rejects you from being king.”

So Jehovah compares rebelliousness with divination and uncanny power to teraphim which is idolatry. How could one become an idolator and pratice divination?

Insight book I Divination
"Nowhere in the Bible is any form of divination given a good connotation. Many times in the same condemnatory texts spiritistic practices of divination are spoken of together with adultery and fornication. (2Ki 9:22; Na 3:4; Mal 3:5; Ga 5:19, 20; Re 9:21; 21:8; 22:15) In God’s eyes divination is comparable to the sin of rebellion. (1Sa 15:23) It is, therefore, unscriptural to speak of Jehovah’s communication with his servants as a manifestation of “good” divination.

insight book I idol, idolatry
Then there are the more subtle forms of idolatry. Covetousness is idolatry (Col 3:5), since the object of an individual’s cravings diverts affection from the Creator and thus, in effect, becomes an idol. Instead of serving Jehovah God in faithfulness, a person can become a slave to his belly, that is, to fleshly desire or appetite, and make this his god. (Ro 16:18; Php 3:18, 19) Since love for the Creator is demonstrated by obedience (1Jo 5:3), rebellion and pushing ahead presumptuously are comparable to acts of idolatry.—1Sa 15:22, 23.

Insight Book II obedience
There is no substitute for obedience, no gaining of God’s favor without it. As Samuel told King Saul: “Does Jehovah have as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying [form of sha·ma`´] the voice of Jehovah? Look! To obey [literally, to listen] is better than a sacrifice, to pay attention than the fat of rams.” (1Sa 15:22) To fail to obey is to reject the word of Jehovah, to demonstrate that one really does not believe, trust, or have faith in that word and its Source. Hence the one failing to obey is no different from the one practicing divination or using idols. (1Sa 15:23; compare Ro 6:16.) Verbal expressions of assent mean nothing if the required action does not follow; the lack of response proves a lack of belief or respect for the source of instructions. (Mt 21:28-32) Those satisfying themselves with only hearing and giving mental acceptance to God’s truth, but not doing what it calls for, are deceiving themselves with false reasoning and receive no blessing. (Jas 1:22-25) God’s Son made clear that even those doing things similar to those commanded, but evidently in a wrong way or with a wrong motive, would never gain entrance into the Kingdom but would be completely rejected.—Mt 7:15-23.

Insight book II teraphim
In Israel the idolatrous use of teraphim existed in the days of the Judges as well as the kings. (Jg 17:5; 18:14, 17, 20; Ho 3:4) It is not likely, though, that the teraphim served for purposes of inheritance in Israel, in view of God’s express command against the making of images. (Ex 20:4) Also, the prophet Samuel spoke of teraphim in parallel with uncanny power, comparing the use of both to pushing ahead presumptuously (1Sa 15:23), and the teraphim were among the appendages of idolatry cleared out of Judah and Jerusalem by faithful King Josiah. (2Ki 23:24) "

Has the Watchtower pushed ahead presumptuously using uncanny power? Does having an immoral relationship with the UN and calling themselves clean and having "passed the test" amount to uncanny power? It sure does. Not only that but they are rebellious because they do not admit to any wrongdoing in any issue. They do not repent. They are God's channel of truth therefore they can do no wrong. Thus they have created their own idol or teraphim or Baal. Yes, Baal, which is another topic I will get into later.

John 9:40 Those of the Pharisees who were with him heard these things, and they said to him: “We are not blind also, are we?” 41 Jesus said to them: “If YOU were blind, YOU would have no sin. But now YOU say, ‘We see.’ YOUR sin remains.” The society keeps saying "we see" but really they are blind.
(Proverbs 26:12) Have you seen a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for the stupid one than for him.
(Romans 12:16) Be minded the same way toward others as to yourselves; do not be minding lofty things, but be led along with the lowly things. Do not become discreet in YOUR own eyes.
(Job 37:24) Therefore let men fear him. He does not regard any who are wise in [their own] heart.”
(James 3:13) Who is wise and understanding among YOU? Let him show out of his fine conduct his works with a mildness that belongs to wisdom.

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