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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Jehovah God is good!

Mark 10:18 Jesus said to him: “Why do you call me good? Nobody is good, except one, God." Why you might ask does Jesus not take credit for being good? After all he is the image of God.(Col 1:15) He is the son of God who is without sin. Is that not enough to be called good? Why then did Jesus denial credit for being good?

Truly Jesus loved his father and wanted to do his will. Being the first born of all creation and the only begotten son of the true God, Jesus has a close relationship with God. He was special because he would have a unique opportunity to do something for God and for all mankind. Being so close with God and having the unique relationship they have, made Jesus the perfect one not only to give his life for us but to teach us who God really is and how we can get to know him. For we do not really know God as we should. Why? Because Satan has made issue with God to whether he is good or not.

It is the goal of Satan to turn everyone against God and Christ. He has had the last 6000 years to make his point. For 6000 years he has had the world at his control.( Matt 4:1,8-11/ Eph 2:1,2 / 1 John 5:19) But when Christ arrives in his glory he will rule for a thousand years and the influence of Satan will be gone. He will accomplish the goodness of God within that 1000 years. Jesus shows us the goodness of God for a thousand years and Satan has shown us 6000 years of his rule. Looking back on the last six thousand years of mans track record under the direction of Satan, I'd say it has not been good. Because of the cruel rule of Satan mankind has suffered a lot and continues too until Christ comes. Many blame God for not interfering during this time of Satan's rule and letting all this wickedness prevail.

God has interfered by sending us his son. This is the only means by which we can gain life and know the goodness of God. God has promised that all those who put faith in his son will have everlasting life. By putting faith in his son we demonstrate that we trust him and his plan for salvation even though we may be suffering now in this present world under Satan. Christ set the example by suffering and dying even though he did not deserve so. We do not deserve to live in a wicked world. We were born into this world. We had no choice. We can make a choice to trust God and know that he will not let us down even though we may suffer or even die in this world, we will live again because we have faith and trust in him. Jesus showed us that we can make that choice.

I believe Jesus denied the credit for being good because he knows and trusts in God's goodness. Jehovah God the father is the source of all life, goodness and love. Nothing evil can be said of him nor does he cause any evil. The source of all evil is Satan the Devil. It was him that challenged God's goodness and in God's goodness he gave Satan time to prove that he or anybody else could be as good as God. Time has shown that Satan has lost that challenge. Now is time for God to show us his goodness through his son Jesus Christ. May we continue to pray for God's Kingdom to come and the Lord Jesus to reign! May we follow in the example of our Lord Jesus Christ in showing Goodness and crediting that goodness to God for showing us how to be good.
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